Now, onto our unseasonably warm (again) weather! I took advantage of the beautiful weather today and took a nice jog. Then I made my way out to the yard and planted about thirty bulbs that have been piling up in my kitchen. I tend to order bulbs and take forever to plant them.
I LOVE to garden. My favorite plants are roses and hydrangeas. Our old yard was really not condusive to much planting. The soil was awful and the sunlight was sketchy. Our new yard, however, is a dream come true. The woman who used to live here was an avid gardener so there are multiple raised beds with fantastic soil. Unfortunately, the yard has been quite neglected for a few years and has become overgrown. So, come Spring I will have my job cut out for me!
While I was planting my bulbs today I discovered tons of bulbs getting ready to sprout. I had to be careful where I was digging so as not to dig up any mature plants. I guess once everything starts blooming in the Spring I will make a drawing of the yard and fill in each spot as something blooms. I've also started to make a connection with the woman who lived here so I can have her over and have her walk me through the yard. I've made several changes already so I'm hoping she won't be upset. For gardeners, our plants become like our children. We love them so much and hold on to them as long as we can! Unfortunately, we all have different tastes.
I've started a hydrangea garden in one of the raised beds. I planted four large plants in the fall and can't wait for them to bloom in June/July. We just put a bed in beside the garage and I think I will put one of these gorgeous climbing hydrageas in.

In the bed above that and in a similar bed along our fence I plan to plant a rose garden. These are the roses I have chosen thus far:
The Princess Diana

The Pope John Paul II

The Laura Bush

The Ronald Reagan

The Mardi Gras

I also LOVE this beautiful bubblegum pink Echinacea

All available at Jackson and Perkins.
Of course, this weekend it will probably SNOW and I'll be back to thinking about snowbibs and skiing!
Oh those flowers are beautiful. It makes me want to get out in my yard and plant the hundred or so bulbs I've bought but haven't planted. (poor soil)
I'm checking out the clothes in your last post. How cute!
Are your towheads twins?
I also love hydrangeas and they thrive in the Pacific Northwest. I'm learning to garden - I've killed a few things but I'm getting better.
I used to do so much gardening, but we've been in drought conditions for so long that I've lost my enthusiasm. My hydrangeas all looked awful this year.
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