My New Year's Resolutions:
1. I WILL lose ten pounds. This is a must. It can't go on any longer. 15 would be even better.
2. I will exercise more. (see number one)
3. I will drink more water. So important and I just don't do it.
4. I will read more. I don't do this enough and I love the me time.
5. I will be more happy to see Dr. Daddy when he gets home from work. By the end of the day this is extremely difficult. Even with a Gin and Tonic on board.
Another issue I always seem to have in January is interior design. I just get itchy to change things. Luckily, this year I have things that really do NEED to be done! First and foremost...finish BabyGirl's room! Her curtains are done but what about the bedding? This was the bedding in her old room:

Of course, this room is completely different. The walls are solid pink. I'm thinking an off white scalloped quilt with bolsters on either end in the same fabric as her curtains. Then some european squares along the back. In my relentless search to find the perfect design I have found some great websites to share with you.
The first is Javis Davis. They have tons of pictures and ideas and their prices are incredibly reasonable.
Some of my favorites:

The problem is, they don't show any daybeds and that's where I really need guidance! Another site I love is Polkatot Designs. I especially love their monogrammed crib sets.

This company is definitely a bit pricier, but they seem to really be willing to work with you to make something completely original. I love that their crib bumpers are so full and fluffy and not flat as a pancake like the ones from Pottery Barn Kids.
Another fave is Graham Kracker. This company, based out of Abilene, Texas, has a great catalog you can request online. The website isn't that extensive, but they do offer some great ideas.

Now, for the fun part. I'd love to have a little contest. Send me a picture of two of your child's room. Whichever one (s) I love the most...I'll do a special post about. I know some of you out there have crafted amazing rooms for your little darlings. You've done all that hard show it off!!!
Post a comment with your email if you'd like to send photos. I won't publish the comment, therefore leaving your email confidential. I'll then send you my email so you can send your photos directly to me and not have to go through the blog. Can't wait to hear from you all!
How cute!! I'm going to have live vicariously through you as you plan your daughter's room. My husband would kill me if I even hinted to another redecorating project in either of my girls' rooms. Like you, January often gives me the redecorating "itch." BTW-the Javis Davis site is great as is your blog!
Love the bedroom ideas and am so glad you found your third pair of window treatments. After looking at the online picture I am thinking I should have called for myself. I need to redo some things around here as well.
Love love love the Polkatot Designs website! How cute is their stuff? I like the boxed bumpers thanks for the hook up! the blog, I lurk often :)
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