BabyGirl has decided that she wants to have a birthday party based on the Fancy Nancy book series. I'm having a bit of trouble deciding which invitation to use. I don't want anything too princessy but I feel like there should be a tiara SOMEWHERE on the invite since that's such a big part of the book. SOOOO, help me out here and vote on which invitation you like best.




Have you seen the new Fancy Nancy Loves, Loves, Loves book? I LOVE Fancy Nancy and dressed up as it at school 2 years ago when we had dress up as your favorite book character day. Good luck!
Like them all but the first three are my faves. I'm also emailing you one other option that I saw that made me think of you and 'towhead'.
#2.It must be the blond hair.:)
I love invitation C! I love reading your blog!
I voted for C because I like it best. But I think that if I was a little girl in the 3-6 age range, I would be more excited about B or D. Love her theme choice, BTW.
Cute book, I've never read it but I do like B - they are all cute and perfect for a little girl's birthday party.
I don't know if I'm too late to post, but I like Choice "C". I first heard that story when one of my graduate school professors read it to us in class one evening. I thoroughy loved it!
Good Luck with the party!
I don't know if I'm too late in my response to this, but I like choice "C". This story was first read to me by a graduate school professor in class one evening. Our entire class LOVED it!
Good luck with the party :)
How fun, make sure to let us know what you decide!
Thanks for your previous post about being kind to family members! I think we can all use a reminder every now and then.
I love Fancy Nancy!
The second one is my favorite, but they are all so cute!!
Hey.. I came across your blog when looking for wording for a Fancy Nancy invitation I am doing for a client... so in about 24-hours, I will have a complete design done. So, feel free to e-mail me - tara@babysunshine.net... I bet my prices fit in your range :)
It's sure not easy to find Fancy Nancy stuff (I have 3 boys so had no clue who she was until this project).
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