Never did I think those two words would illicit such a tearful response from me. Yesterday we went to church and then met some friends for lunch at their club. BabyBoy had gone down to the lower area of the club to look at the koi fish pond. Seconds later we heard him crying. Not bloody murder screaming, just a pretty average cry from the most melodramatic child on earth. Dr. Daddy met him as he ran to the top of the stairs. All I could glean through the sobbing was that he had run into a "pole" and his chin was bleeding. Dr. Daddy took him to the bathroom to check it out and a few minutes later they were back. Apparently, BabyBoy had been showing off to some Middle School girls and was trying to show them how fast he could run. The square pillar in the hallway didn't get out of the way quick enough and he ran straight into it.
BabyBoy was still crying so I took him outside. My girlfriend, who is also a doctor, accompanied me. When we had BabyBoy take the napkin off of his chin we both gasped, which freaked him out a little. There was a through and through gash on his chin that was about an inch from top to bottom with a puncture hole at the top. This in and of itself wasn't too concerning...it was the copious amount of blood inside his mouth that had me worried. Without even thinking about it I asked if BabyGirl could hang out with them for the afternoon so we could head to the ER. We both agreed he probably needed stitches. My friend, God bless her, has four year old twins and an eight year old. Thank goodness we're practically family and they were more than willing to take BabyGirl on.
We got to the ER and after about an hour got to see the doc. Upon further investigation of the injury we discovered he had a gash on his gingival junction? and it had to be repaired lest food get caught in it and rot forever. Gross. We were all in agreement that BabyBoy would have to be sedated to get the job done. He is so freakin melodramatic that there was no way it was going to get done any other way. Of course, this meant that we had to sit around for FOUR hours waiting for him to not have had anything to eat or drink for five hours since this was a conscious sedation and there are risks involved. WHATEVER. You simply CANNOT stick a type A woman in a room with screaming son for four hours with nothing to read. So Dr. Daddy went home to get some mags and books. Finally, they gave BabyBoy the shot in the leg of Ketamine and he was out. Freaky. His eyes were open but he was asleep. Thankfully, he doesn't remember a thing. EXCEPT that he got to play Nintendo for four hours while waiting for the blessed event.
Once they were finished stitching (only seven stitches required) he started to wake up. Poor baby rolled over and looked at me and all he could come up with was a whimper and "I'm...confused". He was so pitiful. He kept looking at his hands like they were foreign objects. Of course, puking ensued which required a Phenergan suppository and more sleeping. We finally got out of there at 6:30 or so. BabyGirl was SO happy to see her big brother and very concerned about his boo boo.
Needless to say, he took an R and R day today and unfortunately, she stayed home from preschool with a cold.
What happened to winter break being over? I don't think we've had a full week of school all January. And my husband wonders why nothing gets done around here...
How scary! Poor little guy. Reminds me of my young emergency room experience. I was dared (by schoolmates) to step on a nail... and I did and it wasn't a pretty site. People learned early not to dare me...
Hope he is doing better!
Oh dear, I hope he is feeling better soon. Be sure and keep up with all the details of his accident and hospital visit. My son is 17 now and we have been more times than I care to think about. Fortunately all minor things so we sit in the waiting room and say things like...remember the time your sister dared you to...whatever.
Awww! Poor baby. Hope he has a quick recovery.
Did Dr. Daddy not think it was so severe? The girlfriend doc and the mom had to make the call to go to the ER? Reminds me of my family. The nurse and the doctors kids are the last to see anyone! I think when you see so much trauma on a daily basis you tend to downplay your own family.
OUCH! Does it make it a little less stressful having Dr. Daddy? DS#2 busted his chin open recently (repaired with glue at the ER) and I almost fainted. I'm not sure how I will survive the next 16 years of my boys living at home.
Hope babyboy feels better soon!
I am glad your son is OK! Hope you had a nice glass of chardonnay after that experience!
Good God that is scary as hell!
ooooh...so sorry...major event. hope he is better soon. it does help to have an m.d. husband. my son has broken both arms, his leg and, he too, had a gash that went through his lip. luckily, we went stright to the ent's office. we haven't had to "do" the dreaded e.r....so sorry you had to...
I'm glad your son is okay! Never a dull moment!
Oh how scary! Glad to hear he is OK!
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