Last night we had dinner and with friends and went to see the movie Juno. It is hilarious. Definitely in the top five movies I've seen in the past year. We laughed our asses off. I loved that it was about teenage pregnancy and yet there was no raucous drinking or constant pot smoking. Just two kids who made an oops. It happens. If you haven't seen it, you should.
I spent today (and most of yesterday) sewing. I'm making the panels for my dining room. These are extremely labor intensive because you have to do the lining and interlining, hem those, then attach them to the fabric, hand hem that and then hand sew the pleats and the trim. I did french pleats, which I've never done before but really like. I LOVE the end result. One down...three to go.
BabyGirl had her best girlfriend over for a playdate. This friend happens to be a twin but the twin was in time out for the afternoon so she was solo today. It was really cute to see their interaction sans twin. They had a great time and it allowed me more sewing time!
Here are some pics so far. It's just one panel but I'm so damned proud I had to take pics.

On top of my laziness I have this massive cyst like thing on my right eyelid that is killing me. We're talking the equivalent of labor pain. Of course, I had rockin' epidurals so it really is all relative but this thing hurts. I don't know if it's an ingrown eyebrow hair or a pimple or what but at this rate I WILL be wearing a pirate patch tomorrow and sucking on a fentanyl lollipop. For real.
Once again, your sewing talents amaze me! Love the fabric.
THEY LOOK GREAT!! I have always liked that fabric! I like it better than the other one for its texture. I'm so jealous you can just whip those out! YAY!!
Those look fabulous! I wish I had enough patience to sit and hand stitch a project that massive. Love the wall paper too, by the way.
Two things: I hope your eye feels better. I had one of those and it dang near did me in. It was bothersome more than anything else.
And second..are you for hire?? the windows are beautiful!
Beautiful drapes. Every time I have some made, they never ever look like I envisioned them. Sigh.
I so need new dining room curtains. Can I just have those? Ha! Ha! You have done a great job-Love the fabric too!
You are really talented. I wish I could have made my own curtains. I always find my own fabric, come up with the design, but PAY lots for the end result. The panel looks gorgeous you should be proud. Love the colors too.
The window panel is beautiful! I love that you hung it higher than the window, it looks great. Man, I wish I knew how to sew. We've been in our house for two years and still do not have window treatments in the living room. I just can't seem to find anything that I like.
Those are beautiful! I'm so jealous. I wish someone had taught me how to sew when I was younger.
WOW! your curtians look great. I wish I knew how to sew. Don't forget to post a pic when your done!
One more thing... Where did you get that fabulous fabric?? It would be PERFECT for my living room and I have been searching forever. Please do share.
LOVE the curtains! I was looking for a movie to see w/ my husband next weekend - we'll def. check out Juno.
Hope your eye is improving!
The panels look absolutely gorgeous. Wow..why do I not have this talent??????? aarrgghh.
Your curtains are BEAUTIFUL!!! And with the wallpaper...oh my! Did you put up the wallpaper or was it there when you bought the house...I think I recall a previous post about choosing the new decor.
I am so impressed you make them yourself with interlining, etc. And the trim...yummy! Well done!
Very Nice! Great job, can't wait to see the whole finished project!
Those curtains look great!
that is a gorgeous panel, you are very talented!
Your curtain panel looks fabulous! Love your fabric and trim. Can't wait to see when you finish all of the panels.
I love your panels. I too love to sew and have been mulling over what to do with my dining room for a while. Where did you get your fabric? It's beautiful.
Those curtains are fabulous!!!! Hope your eye is better. Is it a sty? I once had one and was singing a song..."I've got a sty in my eye...looking at youuuuuu I can read your mind...." of course I was singing while I was dying...
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