My living room tree is very special to me because it is symbolic of the patriotism and political history in our great country. How so, you ask? On this tree, I have the White House Historical Society Christmas ornaments from the past 25 years. My Mom started collecting them when her neighbor worked as a secretary at the White House. She continued the tradition for many years and since she passed away I have been collecting them each year as well. Last year, my Dad gave me all of my Mom's old ornaments so now I have a complete collection.
This tree also has an animal theme. No surprise there, since I love feathers and fur. The overall picture of the tree didn't turn out so hot. It looks kind of crooked for some reason. I'll try to get a better one with the gifts under it later on.
The mantle is decorated with a porcelain Santa topped stocking and some really cool beaded plant holders I got a few years back. The bows are all made from Midori ribbon.
If you have a chance, you really should go to the White House Historical Society website and check out this year's ornament. It pains me greatly to admit that the most beautiful and stylish ornaments came from the Clinton years.
At any rate, all of the White House Historical Society ornaments have historical siginficance and are a wonderful collection to have. Check them out at the White House Historical Society webpage.
This year's ornament:

Now, the living room...

Wow, breathtakingly beautiful!
Love your mantel! Don't you hate when you take a picture of the christmas tree... it never looks as it does in person. How do the magazine people do it? I'm going to have to check out those ornaments!
Gorgeous! I love that you are carrying on your mother's tradition. Have a fabulous Christmas. I can't wait to see the rest:)
Your home is looking lovely! Keep the photos coming, I love to get new Christmas decorating ideas. I get in the habit of doing the same thing every year.
Love the fireplace screen! I recently needed one (and found one) and so I find myself really noticing those lately.
Beautiful!! I only have one White House ornament - I should get one for this year. It is nice that you have your mom's. It would take me forever just to get them out of their boxes because I'd have to stop and admire each one.
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