We had a great time at the beach. Lots of sun, lots of exercise, lots of relaxing, lots of drinking, lots of ummmm...good times.
Mimi holed up in her room and worked the entire time. BabyBoy and Seanie Boy did their best to play video games as much as humanly possible.
BabyGirl did lots of crafting. This is clearly her niche. I have NO idea where she gets it from!
Aaron did not disappoint...he brought the Megan. McShane, that is. We love us some Megan. Especially Dr. Daddy. I do think he'll cry when she marries. The beach would not be the same without our sweet Megan.
He also brought the gays. Much like Tory Spelling, I do love my gays. We had a blast. Nothing says preppy beach week like a night at a stripclub with three gays, one adorable college co-ed and an almost 50 year old husband. Am I wrong? And...we drove up in the Volvo station wagon. I mean really. It just doesn't get any better than that. Well, maybe when Aaron commented "I need to clean my leg...anyone have a wipey?" after an adorable Russian girl tried unsuccessfully to offer him a lap dance.
We played tennis, we jogged, we drank (heavily). BabyGirl learned how to (taught herself) how to swim. You have to love a girl who potty trains herself AND teaches herself to swim. The money I've saved...(will all go toward her superfly wedding at The Homestead).
We stopped by our favorite store, The Joggling Board, and I picked up some great sale items. I even bought a bikini...the first in several years. And, I think it might have even looked decent. Yay me for all that working out.

Some more great pics from the week...

Now that I've spent a week with high school and college kids I've become obsessed with freakin Facebook. What the hell? It IS fun to see where everyone is, though. CRAZY!
Oh, we missed you terribly. What fun pictures! I, too, love my gays. They bring so much color to any otherwise dreary event. Side note: was that you I spied on the Lilly site in the photo album? Fabulous, dah-link! ;)
me too spent 2 weeks with all my cousins in Cape Cod- obsessed withe facebook..and yes I have 3 kids under 5.
we're glad you're back!
I am glad you all had fun at the beach! Facebook is an addiction.
Enjoy your week!
ok so I have no idea who you are or how i found your blog, but I freakin' love it!!! you guys are adorable, and i love your taste in just about everything.
thanks for always making me giggle!
allison T in VA
Looks like y'all had a great time! I love the photo of Baby Girl naked with the shell. That should go in her rehearsal dinner video at her superfly wedding!
Looks like a GREAT week! Facebook makes me feel old. I haven't a clue. Would you please post about what I am missing sometime, pleeeease.
Great pictures...looks like you had a fabulous trip! :)
Your pics are great. Glad you had a good time. Stacy
how much fun! thanks for the recap. looks like you all had a great time.
and yes, facebook is wonderful.
I'm also obsessed with facebook! Glad you had a nice trip.
Good lord those kids of yours. Could I just pay you to have another and give it to me? I want a little towhead so bad!! How adorable is the little nudest with a conch up to her ear!
Looks like you had a great time! Facebook? Are you playing Guitar Hero, too?
Love me some Joggling Board when we head to the beach! Your vacations sound much like mine...I am the only one in the family w/ a child and a spouse. My two younger brothers always have someone interesting that is tagging along, be it a girlfriend or friend. So, for that week, it is like I am halfway a mom but halfway in college again. So much fun!
you've struck a nerve. I cant believe I missed it. Wow, what I sore spot.
Your photos are looking great. Do you like the new camera?
RE: the brother and AC's ex...
Absolutely. Not famous enough to appear on TMZ talking about the break-up, but definitely famous enough to sell bits of info as an un-named source to US Weekly.
Take that, Perez!
Thanks for reading Breaking News! I have to tell you after I read about the family vacay that included a college co-ed, a handful of gays and a trip to a strip club for the whole fam - I knew we were meant to be friends. Because a vacay that combines all of the above and some booze is in a word - heavenly - to yours truly....
the Ladies of the 'Noke need to road trip it to K-town.
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