I unashamedly admit that I have been a longtime Britney fan. Now, don't be confused when I say this and think that I approve of her recent behavior. I'm as flummoxed as the rest of you. However, it seems that Miss Britney is having the last laugh. I just listened to her new CD and it's REALLY GOOD. I'm not quite sure how she managed to come up with such a great club/dance CD whilst exposing her crotch at every opportunity and doing her damndest to lose her kids. I mean, the daily tanning sessions alone would do me in. But this girl seems to have gotten it together long enough to put together a CD that will surely net her another few million easy. I've read the tabs and listened to the news for the past year and while I was disgusted by much of what I saw I somehow couldn't believe that this girl who HAD IT ALL could have fallen so quickly. Now I'm wondering if it was all for publicity? Ya think? Anyhoo, it makes for good dance music and that's never a bad thing...
I'm always wondering why she can't just spend one day at home. Does she really need to go out tanning or to Starbucks every day?
Perhaps she could spend the day at home grooming herself. She always looks like she needs a good scrubbing.
I hate to admit this but I agree! It is good dancing music... maybe it will help the poor girl OUT of her hell... or not!
I am glad to hear that I am not the only Britney fan out there. As a mom I have no idea how she could be doing the things she is doing, but I am really sick and tired of the media having it in for her. Living in Southern California, she makes the local news almost every night, and I am sick of it.
I am excited to hear the new songs on her album. I just hope the next time she performs in public, she will have her act together (unlike the VMAs...sad!!!)
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