I need some creative help! Some friends of mine are having a party at their farm and asked me to make their invitations (print them, really. It's not like I'm crafting them). The party will be November 3rd, outside at the farm, bonfires, beer, food, jeans and cowboy boots? (their words not mine). Anyhoo, they want to make it an annual thing and asked if I would help come up with a name. So far, all I've come up with is first annual "Autumn under the Stars" and first annual "Fling at the Farm". Oh, there was also "Fall at the Farm". Personally, I think it would be pretty hilarious to call it the first annual "FALLing Down Drunk" party, but they aren't that kind of folk. Not enough to call it that, anyway. So, does anyone have any ideas for me? I know you're all out their just teeming with creativity. Bring it on!
I like your "Fling at the Farm" or maybe "First Annual Fall Fling".
I like Autumn under the stars.
Harvest Hoe-Down
I really like your "Autumn Under The Stars". I'm not coming up with much...maybe "Annual Autumn Jubilee" or "Harvest Jubilee" or "Harvest Moonlight Bash"...Let us know what you choose; sounds like a fun party.
Fall Harvest Fling
Beer, Boots and Bonfires
What about combinging and doing something like "Fall Fling on the Farm?"
I just got an invitation in the mail today and I like what it says,
"Autumn is in the air... So let's get together for a Fall Affair!"
Good luck!
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