We had about 13 little girls coming. I decorated the "grand ballroom" in high style with lots of pink and purple. I really didn't want it to end up being a big, cheezy Disney Princess fest so we tried to lay off too many Party Warehouse decorations. My adorable cousin dressed up as Cinderella and took pictures with the kids. She did an amazing job. I'm acting as her agent now so if anyone's interested....
We had two tables set up; one for food and one for crafts. I bought some little princess carriage purses from Michael's and let the girls decorate them. I found a website that sold tiaras and sceptors by the dozen for a pretty reasonable price so we had one of each for each girl. I borrowed a Princess Bounce House from a friend and you KNOW that was a big hit! Most of the girls dressed up in their princess attire. We had chicken fingers, fries, popcorn shrimp and salad. Most of the parents stayed so we had lots of wine, too! No 3 year old party is complete without a little Chardonnay.

We sent out this invitation from Picture Perfect. I ordered from Polkadot Design. They weren't too difficult to lay out and print. I invited all princesses to join us in the Castle Ballroom at the country club and to dress in Royal Attire for an Imperial Feast.

Cinderella was a huge hit. My cousin really got into the part. I had her go to my hairdresser to get her hair done. She had a blast.

The calm before the storm... Napkins courtesy of To Bee Named.

The kids really enjoyed posing with Cinderella, crafting, and playing in the bounce house.

I continue to believe that the person who invented pinatas for kids parties should be forced to attend daily birthday parties with screaming, fighting kids. He should also be the one who has to hold the pinata and receive the occasional blow from the blunt object with which the kids are pummeling the sugar filled timebomb.

I used to bake cakes in college to earn a little extra dough. (no pun intended) To all you mothers out there, let me save you some time and heartache by telling you that baking a "homemade" cake is a complete waste of time. I always use a box mix. Just get the yellow box cake mix, bake accordingly, and while it's cooling brush the tops of each layer with a grand marnier and sugar mixture (heat the sugar and grand marnier over low heat until the sugar melts). You cannot go wrong with this combo. The cake will be moist and tasty everytime and everyone will think you worked for hours.
So, this is THE CAKE. I felt like I was baking her wedding cake!!!

It was a big hit!

At the end of the party, someone who shall remain unnamed decided we should gather all the balloons and let the "princess" make a wish and send them off into the sunset. Adorable idea in theory.

Predictably, the wind was blowing just right and the balloons flew off not into the sunset, but the trees in front of the club. The princess was devastated but we couldn't stop laughing. The perfect end to the perfect part.
Please please PLEASE post step by step instructions for the gorgeous cake!
I am very interested in your cake decorating tips. My friend and I do not have kids yet. But we are starting cake decorating classes next month as a preemptive step for our kids and all the baby showers that are happening now.
I will save this info about the yellow cake box for the future.
Help me come up with ideas for 4-year-old boy party at bouncy house place. I have no theme. I've made the invitations already and they're blue and red but I'm struggling on ideas for favors, cake, etc.
You did a great job on the party... the cake is gorgeous!!! I bet your daughter was very pleased!
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