I know that many of you, like myself, have been reading this book. I also know that many of you are giving it rave reviews. I have to say, I just don't get it. I have been trudging through this thing for weeks and I find it to be painfully boring. I liked the first part about Italy. It basically talked only about food, and I like food. That was cool. Now I'm about two thirds of the way through India and I can't stay awake. I find the author to be completely self involved and pathetic. Who has to go to INDIA to "find" themselves? How completely selfish is it that she is spending so much time focused on her problems and obsessing about why her life is a sh*t sandwich? Do you really have to learn how to meditate in order to realize your "true self"?
This all brings me back to a theory I've had for a long time. In life, there are the wanderers and nesters. Wanderers are the types of people who go through life always looking for the next best thing. Nothing is ever good enough and nothing will ever satisfy them because they are insatiable. I consider my husband to be one of these people. Life could be completely perfect and normal and he would find something to worry about or obsess about. People like this are usually pessimists as well.
Nesters, on the other hand, are the kind of people that have few complaints. They make their own happiness and don't over analyze everything. They know what they want and are fairly easily satisfied. Life is mostly lived with the cup half full and the appreciation of all that they have rather than all that they still need. These people are usually optimists. As you can probably guess, I consider myself to be a nester. It doesn't take much to please me and I'm fairly complacent for the most part.
I just can't imagine all the energy it takes to be so damned self involved that you can't see the forest for the trees! Does anyone else feel this way about this book or is it just me? And could you please tell me whether or not it gets any better because I'm ready to pass it on to someone else rather than pull my hair out trying to figure out the message...
I have not read this book. But I think this gal was on Oprah and I decided that episode was not worth my time. I mean, who has all that time to think about themselves?
In your description of your husband and yourself you perfectly described my husband and me. I am a "nester" and he is a "wanderer". He is so restless pondering the next thing in life. I attribute his thinness to this. His constant state of negativeness I believe burns more calories than my state of fat happiness! ; )
Pass-It-On. I completely agree with you. Although, congrats to you, you got futher in that boring book than I did.
i keep looking at this book but just can;t bring myself to purchase . i like juicy fiction or historical fiction...reading about rhett's folks right now
Thank you for saying that you don't "get" a book! There are so many books out there that should have never made it past an editor! And I agree - who has to "find" herself? Who has the time? I "find" myself going to work, doing the laundry, being a good wife, and trying to steer my children in the right directions! Happy Holidays - I enjoy your blog!
I kept thinking to myself, "Why don't you get a real problem?" when I was reading this book. I didn't think I'd ever get through the pray part. The only part that I really liked was the description of the food while she was in Italy and I did like her love of the sound of Italian being spoken.
I must be a nester, too. I feel like we make our lives... not search for them.
I agree. I have been reading it on the tube for a few months now and can't get into it. It hasn't even made it to the bedside table (all the books I read in bed make it there)! I find her rather spoiled. I was surprised to be at a dinner at my parents the other night and to hear that all the woman (my mother, her best friend, my friend and my sister) were reading this book. Has the world gone mad??? They all seemed to love it. She seems quite spoiled to me and I can't get into it. I feel like I have to finish it, to get to the point that I feel like I have given it a shot of liking it.
I struggled through that book as well. When I described it to my husband, he thought it sounded perfectly selfish too. I don't get it either.
I hate this book, nothing but whining. I dropped if off at goodwill.
Good info--I seem to remember reading the back of it at B&N one day and thinking it didn't sound like anything I'd want to read, but it's such a phenom now I was wondering what I didn't "get".
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