Monday, February 22, 2010

Remember these little cuties?

Several posts back I posted some photos I took of a friend's twins. They are so adorable! I was lucky enough to get to shoot them again this weekend. It was a short session but we got some great shots! It's hard to believe how quickly they've grown...

Now, for all you camera gurus out there I have a question: I recently purchased the D90 and have been using it with my Sigma 50mm 1/1.4 lens. I have LOVED this lens in the past but I'm not having as much luck with the D90. I feel like my photos should be more crisp, more clear, and require less editing. Of course, this from the girl who bought a book explaining the camera and hasn't read it. Any thoughts?


Expat Girl said...

Omg I can't believe how much they have grown since we saw them! You are officially my baby photographer by the way ok?! ok!

Love Being A Nonny said...

Can't help you with the camera but these babies are oh, so adorable!! I think the pictures are GREAT!

Sandra said...

My niece does fabulous online photography workshops. Check out her website. You might be interested. She's worth it. xoxo

Anonymous said...

Too cute! You did a fantastic job!

Sweet Simplicity said...

These pictures look fantastic! You have a great eye.

Katherine Klegin said...

i had the same problem going from my canon xti to a canon 50d. I just felt like my photos were dull and not as crisp. I think there is just a learning curve for each camera. I've had to make some changes with regards to which settings I use, and my photos seem to be back to normal.

Hokie Girl said...

Well, I'm not an expert on cameras, but those babies are cuties! I love that their hair is different colors!! Oh, so adorable! And I think the pictures are fabulous!

MatersandMelons said...

Beautiful pictures of beautiful babies!

3 Peanuts said...

I find that if I am too close with the 50mm it is not as crisp and clear. Make sure you are not too close to the subject or it cannot focus correctly. I have a D-80 and a D-700 and it definitely works better on my d-700.

Anonymous said...

Will you please make a visit to Richmond to do some kid sessions? You're doing a fantastic job!