Friday, October 24, 2008

Sippycup Snippets

***WARNING*** If you're not interested in reading anything at all political, might want to skip this one!


BabyBoy and I had an interesting conversation yesterday regarding the election. It went a little something like this:

BabyBoy: Mama, are Democrats stupid?

Me: No, they're not stupid. Maybe just a little confused.

BabyBoy: Daddy says they want to take all our money.

Me: Well, it's true that Democrats like to make people who have earned money pay taxes in order to give money to those who may not have earned as much.

BabyBoy: It's nice to give money to poor people.

Me: Indeed. It's nice to help people in need. But let's look at it this way: You know how you work hard around the house to earn your $6 allowance each week? Democrats would like to take $2 of your $6 and give it people who haven't earned that money. That would leave you with how much?

BabyBoy: $4!!! That's ridiculous! (his favorite new word) Then I just won't do my chores and I'll wait for my money from Democrats.

Me: (wanting so much to say it but only thinking it in my head)...that's exactly what they're counting on.


Jenny said...

Outta the mouths of babes...

Fingers crossed MANY will feel like you do, Baby boy. :0) JLS

Rory said...

Well said.

Lexy said...

from the mouths of babes.....

Anonymous said...

Amen to that!! I couldn't agree with you more!!

Lauren @ Adventures of a Southern Newlywed said...

Too funny!

just ask beth said...

Wow! Smart kid!! You know the way you explained it was simple and to the point, why don't people get it? I love me some Salvation Army! I even pull the stockings off the tree at Christmas and help a family, but damn if you don't work you don't get paid= very simple= and you DON't DESERVE to get paid! I am sorry was that mean.

just ask beth said...

Wow! Smart kid!! You know the way you explained it was simple and to the point, why don't people get it? I love me some Salvation Army! I even pull the stockings off the tree at Christmas and help a family, but damn if you don't work you don't get paid= very simple= and you DON't DESERVE to get paid! I am sorry was that mean.

Debra said...

That's classic! Kids are smart, aren't they? :)

Molly said...

Too funny, as an independant voter, it's funny to see it through the eyes of a child. And that is exactly why I'm independant, I don't like being on a side, neutrality is enough!

PaperCourt said...

Smart kid!

Karen said...

hahaha! love it!

Anonymous said...

Democrats AND Republicans both take money from people and spend it on things. They just take it in different proportions from different people and spend it on different things.

The myth that only Dems want to tax and spend is preposterous and outdated.

Anonymous said...

Oh, gosh, that made me laugh. Your son sounds adorable!

Anonymous said...

kids are so much smarter than we are! priceless!

Elizabeth said...

OK, even as a registered Dem, that made me laugh. Kids are a hoot.

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

Well said, BabyBoy! Now if only the grown-ups would wake up....

News Readin' Wife said...

We (the husband) and I roared with laughter when we read this. Perfect.

Too bad ACORN isn't trying to register Baby Boy...

Loved seeing you!

Anonymous said...

I agree with anonymous. It's a shame you are teaching your son to be single minded.

Anonymous said...

sounds like you didn't bother to explain the beneficial things that tax money pay for...schools, roads, libraries, police, firefighters, ems, infrastructure, the immoral war started by republicans. it's not all about 'poor, lazy people' trying to 'steal' your hard earned money.

Anonymous said...

Lets give Baby Boy a few more thing to think about...
My friend makes $40,000 a year,
We make $200,000 a year. Lets say we both pay 20% in taxes.
My friend lives on $28,000 a year, we would live on $160,000 a year. We all work hard, full time, but my family can still live very comfortably on that take home pay and save, travel and give. My friend can barely survive. The story gets even more severe when you put the brother-in-law earning $700,000+ in the picture.
My figures are for example only, but I do know this: MY family can pay more taxes and we should. Yes, the amount we pay is sometimes staggering. We have no family money and paid for all our education and have worked for more years than you have even been alive, but I truly believe it is our fair share. As MY child said, "just how much do some people need? it seems like people get awfully greedy".
Please help BB understand that we're talking about working people , working hard and honestly on jobs that require lots of education and long hours that need the break. I think SS, that you would be surprised at the very small incomes that most working people make. Imagine supporting your children on $28,000 a year. If you married a teacher or a social worker and wanted to stay home that is what you'd be trying to do. I sleep well a night knowing I'm doing my part.

Lipstick said...

I LOVE it! Maybe in about thirty years or so we'll all get the chance to vote for BabyBoy.

starnes family said...

Hi, there. I'm a new reader and will continue reading based on this post alone! Love it!

Anonymous said...

I know I am a little late...however, I was enjoying your blog but this is crazy. I would never teach my small children to dislike republicans just because I am a democrat and we disagree from the republicans. I am a proud democrat and I work hard for my money.