I had tons of fun planning this party. BabyBoy originally wanted a Lego Indiana Jones party. I finally managed to convince him that 14 boys sitting around a table fighting over legos for two hours might not be that much fun. So, we planned a super fun afternoon filled with action.
I dug through the cobwebs of my old stationery stash and made these invitations:


Basically, I took an image I got from googling "Indiana Jones" and copied and pasted it into the stationery program that I use. I stretched it to fit the size card I wanted to make. I added the text box using the Fedora Font. I then printed these out and burned the edges and glued them to a cardstock backing. For the reverse side, I used scrapbooking paper that looked like an old map. I printed the text onto the paper, burned the edges again, and taped them to the other side of the cardstock. They were really very easy to make and ended up looking pretty cool!
Our friend Andrew agreed to dress up as Indiana Jones for the party. I knew he would be perfect. He's a "semi-retired" high school principal who is now a stay at home Dad to Jack, 8, and twins Alice and Clara, 4. He's totally creative and over the top and he loves to get into characters and mess around with the kids. We went to Disney with them a couple years ago and I swear he had more fun than the kids.
As the children arrived (running inside to avoid the freaking monsoon that was outside) we sent them to the basement. They hung out there watching the first Indiana Jones movie while we waited for Andrew and his wife Christy and their kids. And waited, and waited. It was really only about 15 minutes but it seemed like a lifetime with 12 little boys, one hyper ass little girl (that would be my sweet BabyGirl) and four grandparents trying to corral them all. Finally, Andrew arrived. And he didn't disappoint!
I started the Indiana Jones theme song on the boombox and he came bounding down the basement steps with whip in hand. It was hilarious.

He explained to the kids that Belloq, his nemesis, had stolen his treasure and he needed their help to get it back. If they were successful in their search for the treasure, they would get to share it with him. He passed out the first clue to the kids:

I then passed out some little shoulder satchels that I found at the Dollar Tree. Each child got a bag to put their clues in and to fill with treasure at the end.
We headed to the Mummy Gallery (also known as the garage) and wrapped the kids up like mummies. It was so funny. They did require a lot of grown up help, so this might be an activity for older kids.

Inside their toilet paper rolls they found their next clue:

They headed out to the Snake Pit (our playset draped in fisherman's netting with snakes and clues scattered about)

There they found their next clue:

They headed out to Crocodile Creek (a babypool filled with water and random dirt and reeds. We put the clues inside ziploc bags and weighed them down with river rocks. We also had some rubber crocs and turtles in the water). I had kind of expected the kids to reach INTO the pool but as it turns out they all just jumped right in!

They fished through the water to find their next clue:

They headed over to a table we had set up with Chilled Monkey Brains (cold jello), Beetle Guts (cold spaghetti) and Eyeball Soup (grapes). They had to reach their hands into the boxes and feel around for clues. Too funny. They all loved the jello. I should say, they loved flinging that jello at one another. The girls were totally grossed out.

Inside the boxes of "food" they found their last clue:

They headed to the Airport Hangar (the garage) to find the treasure. Andrew (Indy) had helped them all throughout the treasure hunt and was there with the treasure. He did this elaborate skit about booby traps and spirits and then finally unveiled the treasure box. It was a big wooden box that I use in the basement to store my workout videos. We had just turned it upside down and I taped some pictures of old travel stickers on it as well as the Property of Indiana Jones label. It looked really cool. We then lifted up the box to reveal a huge pot of candy. Of course, at that point all hell broke loose and the kids dove on top of the pot. We had to pry them off and dump the candy all over the floor. I had to drop the camera to break up the kids...thus no pictures of the candy. Oh, well. You've seen one wild swarm of sugar dependent kids diving carelessly for a pile of candy, you've seen them all.

After the kids filled up their little sacks with candy we did the cake and ice cream thing. Andrew sung Happy Birthday to the tune of the Indiana Jones theme music, which we'd had playing all during the party.

The cake was originally an Army cake from Ukrops. They have the best cakes. Unfortunately, they didn't have an Indiana Jones theme cake. So, I just ordered the Army cake, took off the plastic tank, and added BabyBoy's Indiana Jones truck dragging Indy behind it. Big hit.
One of the most adorable parts of the party was BabyBoy's friend Brody. He actually thought Andrew was the REAL Indiana Jones. He stuck to him like glue throughout the entire party. Asked for his autograph (which he got on the back of a party plate) and asked "Indy" to tell him about some of his "adventwars". It was so, so adorable.
And here we have the whole crew:

The favor bags were pretty basic: Indiana Jones coloring books from the Dollar Tree, a plastic compass, a chinese yo yo made to look like an Indiana Jones whip and some plastic snakes. We had also given each kid a paper fedora at the beginning of the party. They were pretty flimsy, so if you're planning a party like this I would definitely forego the hats.
Overall, it was a great party. Putting the clues together was not difficult; it took me about an hour the morning of and then my stepmom helped me roll them up and put them in the plastic bags, etc. The background of the clues was a graphic I found by googling "old maps". I just added a text box on top of it in a font that's part of an old scrapbooking program I have.
BabyBoy got tons of neat gifts. I'm pretty sure his favorite is the Nintendo DS Lite that he got from my father in law and stepmother in law. He got the Lego Indiana Jones game and the Lego Star Wars game. He totally wasn't expecting it but had been begging for one for months. So far, he's cleaned his room, his sister's room and the playroom in an effort to earn "free time" on top of the one hour per day I've allowed him to play the thing. This is working out pretty well for me so far! I wonder if he'll do windows?
That is amazing! I have a 5.5yo who will turn 6yo in October. We live near a Lego store and he has asked for his b'day party to be at the Lego Store. Not only is it really expensive but all it is is a bunch of kids building with Legos for 2 hours. Something we could do at home - but your idea is great! My son also loves Indiana Jones (and Star Wars) so this is just so cool. I may have to use some of your ideas (I'm not nearly as creative or crafty).
What an amazing party and amazing job you did planning it! Everything was so cute!
OMG!! That party looked like sooo much fun!! If I had boys I would totally duplicate, but to no avail, just girls!! This could be a side job for you, children's parties, you can sub out Andrew and everything!!
Anonymous B
You throw my kind of party, with all of the great details that make it awesome. It looks like the kids had a great time!
What an amazing party! You are so clever and make it sound easy, although I know it wasn't! Well done.
Fantastic Party! Might have to use some of your great ideas for sweet boy's party!
Fantastic Party! May have to use some of your great ideas for sweet boy's next party!
You are very creative! I love the brithday cake! Looks like the kids had a blast!
That is seriously the cutest birthday ever! Great Job!
Oh my gosh, what fun! Will you plan our next birthday party?
So creative and amazing!!!!
I have to say, I read your blog alot and get some great ideas. I just think this party theme was outstanding. You are so creative! I know my son will love this party for his B-day. I might just have to steal some (o.k. all) of the ideas you shared.
You are killing me. My parties just suck. I hope Christy got to enjoy that costume later!
Hi will you come and do my lil girl's 3 year old party next March down here in New Orleans??? Please OH Please!!
Wow! Is right! Everything looks great! What fun!
Very impressive! Thanks for all the pics and the details!
WOW! I love when parents come up with a creative birthday party. Sounds like all the children had a blast and you made it a ton of fun. Love the invites.
Wow! What a great party! You are so creative and I'm really impressed.
What a great party! You are so creative :)
Wowsa! What a creative party!!! Looks like they all had a blast!!!
You are amazing!1 You should be a kids party planner!! YIKES, I may have started something!! Awesome party,,cute kids. My oldest turned 12 yesterday, when did she grow up?/
Anonymous B
Just amazing party! I loved the way everything was home made and at home! Still low key, but super fun and not "extravagant."
I love your blog!
Wow, you are so creative! Great idea
This is awesome! I can't wait until my son's next birthday - I'm going to use some of these great ideas!
Hi, am here via big top.
What a great pary! I hope it is not copyrighted?? My almost 5 year old loves Indiana Jones. I may have to steal some ideas if we don't take the easy way out and go to pump it up.
You are such a creative and good mommy! Looks like a fabulous party!
Great party! My turning 7 yo boy also asked for an Indiana Jones lego party. Then it turned into an Indiana jones lego pool party! I too have convinced him to drop the lego theme aspect (maybe on the cake?) and have been busily surfing for ideas. The clues in crocodile creek fit perfectly with the pool them too. Thanks!
Hi there! Great party!! I am also planning a party for my 6 yr.old, and wanted to add my plans for others still in the planning page... I found some tiki blow up statues on Oriental trader, so for my obstacle course, each child will have to use the whip to knock them down. Also on the obstacle course, they will: crawl through a play tunnel, jump over a snake pit, run thru a maze, go down the slip and slide, and dig thru the bug pit for the treasure- bubble gum coins, also from Oriental trader. For a craft, they will decorate a "chalice" (plastic wine glass) with precious (stick on) jewels. I think this is a great party theme!!
WOW!! What a party. This is amazing! I featured it on Tip Junkie. Thank you so much for the inspiration.
I am so excited!! My son is turning 5 in 3 weeks and I was just planning it-I googled Indiana Jones Pary ideas and here you are!!! Thank you Lord!! I really hope it's okay to use what you have done-I had already bribed my uncle to dress up but had no idea what to do next!! He also wants a Nintendo Ds-To bad I am in colorado i think these babyboys would have fun!!! :) Thank you for the ideas- I do have a question though-Did you make enough clues at each stage for each child or just one that they all searched for? I am sorry if this is obvious!!
Thank you!!!
Tammy- Iain's Mom!
ok i HAVE to ask about the things from the Dollar Tree..i am planning an INdy party right now...were these recent purchases??
What a great party! And thank God for moms like you who post all the great info. We live in Seoul Korea so I was glad that most of the ideas we could do without a Walmart or Target. Thanks again, can't wait for our party.
Thank you soooo much for posting this awesome party! My son's eighth birthday was today, and I used many of your ideas. They loved the mummy wrapping, and were totally grossed out by the monkey brains and eyeball soup. Even my son, who had helped fill the bowl of grapes looked a little disgusted as he dug through it to find the clue. I moved crocodile creek to my son's bedroom and used a large blowup crocodile with blue balloons all over the floor to create the water. We also filled the airplane hangar with a variety of paper airplanes hanging from the ceiling (and then raced them later). I didn't have someone to play Indy, but we did have a visit from our neighbor's live python (not poisonous). The kids thought that was awesome! One of the boys told me this was the best party they had ever been to. Thank you again!
This looks like it was AWESOME! Hope you don't mind but I am using some of your ideas for my son's
6th b-day party this weekend. I found the same satchel bags at our local dollar store and also the coloring books. My son is so excited. Thank you so much for posting all the details and pictures - sure helps out some of us who need assistance.
Camden's mommy
What a great party! Thanks for the inspiration. My son turns 5 in September and I've been looking for ideas. I love the spider lair and the crocodile pool.
WOW! You thought of every detail for this party so I had to share with others on the MyPunchbowl party planning blog.
Thanks a million for posting which font you used on the invites. That's the one part of my son's birthday that I always enjoy doing myself but rarely have the time or materials available (read: very small town*L*).
This is awesome!
Thank you for sharing your great ideas with all of us!
I am SO using them next weekend. I've already sent our Indiana to your site to warm up. :)
I'll try to report back. Do you mind if I post on my blog and then link to yours after the party?
this is awestome...i am defenitely going to use some of your ideas for my sons 8th birthday. i dont have a play gym outside, but i have a trampoline...i am going to use the fishnet with the hanging snakes over it...great!!! I also have an underground pool..(okay when its a party for older kids) i am going to dye the water green and put inflatable gators in it(a swamp)...i am going to put snakes at the bottom and they are going to race to see who can come up with the most snakes. i think i am more excited then my son...lol
I did it! I followed your template and had a fantastic party for my son. Thank you for all the fantastic ideas!!
You can check out our party on my blog if you'd like.
I was online looking for an alternative to a ChuckECheese party when I ran across your blog. Thanks so much for your great ideas here. I used every single one of them plus it helped to spark some of my own that worked here for us. My son just had his 7 yo party (today) and the kids absolutely loved this idea. My husband (who is generally not really animated) really got in the act and it was such a fun afternoon. He will always remember the day his Dad played "Indy." Thanks for being so detailed in your post, it helped so much.
Loved reading your accounts of the super party! My son will be 8 and wants the same. I will be using some of your ideas. Thanks for taking the time to post it with pictures and all. Andrew is awesome. What a nice guy!
I'm stealing EVERY SINGLE ONE of your fantastic ideas. Hope you don't mind. My 6 yo, turning 7, was especially thrilled with your cake. THANKS!
Our son is going to be 11 in just a few weeks and I've been searching for something special for him. He is a huge Indy fan. You have some totally fantastic ideas! I'd better start planning now!
Thank you! I used some of your ideas to come up with my party!! Adventures from A to Z
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