BabyBoy finally acquiesced and allowed me to take some pictures of his sling. What a stud, right? He and BabyGirl played a nice game of red light/green light in the front yard the other night. The game seems to have gotten much more complicated since I was a kid. Yellow lights and black lights?
I went to my Junior League Annual Dinner the other night and they gave away the most adorable star shaped cookies. I brought two home to the kids. BabyGirl ate hers immediately (no surprise there...she's a sugar freak just like her mommy). BabyBoy was waiting on his and not sure if he even wanted it. He took it into the den and left it on the floor where BabyGirl was watching TV. About five minutes later I found BabyGirl devouring it. Her rationale? "He brought it in here and left it right in front of me and then he left the room. What did he think I was going to do?" Are you kidding me? Off to her room she went for 45 minutes. I'm still not quite sure she got the message.
All seemed to be better later on. They actually posed for a picture. Together! This never happens...
And then she allowed us to see her beautiful calves, which I'm hoping will pay off in the way of a gymnastics scholarship down the line...
She is SO lucky she got her Daddy's body!
They are so cute!!
Ummm, I'm with baby girl.
If he didn't want her to eat it, he shouldn't have put it right in front of her. It looked like an offering.
And if he didn't want her to eat it, he is the one who should have been punished for taunting her with it by parading it around in front of her when he didn't even really want it. That's just cruel... I'm just sayin'
She has the cutest haircut I have ever seen!
I love all the kid writing on the sling. Uphill, downhill, different sized letters, too cute!
I thought it was a design on the sling - how completely adorable it is with all those kiddie-handwriting signatures! On another note since I don't need to leave 2 comments in one night - I've made a very similar margarita to your other post. Best.Margarita.Ever. Guess what I'm making tomorrow night?!
Those are great little calves.
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