So, my first issue has been BabyGirl's room. Here is a photo of her current room. Her room in the new house will be very similar, but will only have one window (yes, one of those valances will be for sale soon!).
The fabric is so perfect for her: a kind of oriental flair with lots of animals but still very feminine. It's primary colors are pink, green and khaki. Since it does have that oriental flair and I wanted something a little funky that would grow with her, I picked this chandelier from Shades of Light. I'm thinking of either no shades or some light pink shades.

Of course, BabyGirl has other ideas. She prefers these options from Posh Tots and Pottery Barn Teen.

Now, to add more confusion, the green bamboo chandelier would look great in my guest room as well...
I just don't know what to do. Therefore...I'm asking your advice! Please see the poll above and cast your vote!