Have you forgotten me yet? I hope not! I know it's redundant to say...but it's just been so darned busy around here! End of year parties...my year as president of our medical alliance ending...BabyBoy's birthday coming up...redecorating rooms in the house...swim team...gymnastics...are you exhausted yet? 'Cause I definitely am! We've had a great several weeks. Last weekend we had the honor and priveledge of attending the Virginia Republican Convention and got to hear Sean Hannity speak. It was awesome! He gave such a great speech. We would have loved to have heard Mitt Romney speak at the Gala the evening prior, but we just couldn't get there in time!
I've had so many new ideas for blog posts...Etsy is my new obsession! I will be posting a lot about that soon.
I know I also promised to post pix of our "complete" master bedroom. However...it just isn't perfect yet. Soon...soon! We're renovating BabyBoy's bathroom right now and I can't WAIT to post pix. It should be a great transformation.
Today, however...I want to escape from reality. I want to do an I SO would if I could post.
I have always wanted a beach house. Unfortunately, Dr. Daddy is very much a glass half empty kind of folk and is terrified of hurricanes!!!
SOOOO, I'm going to do a post about my dream beach house. If I could I would have this house

with this kitchen

and how about this entry?

Imagine the blogging I could do from this master suite...

BabyBoy would LOVE this bedroom...don't you love the Hermes blanket? (atleast...I think it's Hermes!)

And BabyGirl's room...

And if the friends or cousins come to visit? We'll definitely need both of these rooms!

Of course...Mimi will need a room as well...and every girl needs some LV!

And since we all need a place to hang out and watch our back episodes of Weeds and The Real Housewives...

There are certainly a zillion more rooms I would love to post...but for now...this is my dream beach house!!!