I've been tagged about a gazillion times to do this on Facebook but decided to put it on the blog instead...
1. I grew up as an Army Brat. Moved a lot. As a result, I believe I am much more worldly and aware of differences in cultures, etc. I have no trouble making friends with strangers.
2. I love to collect wedding magazines and books, despite the fact that I've been married almost nine years and have no plans of remarrying any time soon!
3. I sleep with socks on. Always.
4. I also sleep with at least one foot outside the covers. Always.
5. I really do not like to work out...although I always feel better after I do. My workouts are usually running, or doing The Firm workouts (see ad in sidebar). I started doing these after BabyBoy was born and ended up with a better body that I'd ever had. EVER. They work. They are awesome. I just have to get motivated to DO THEM!
6. I probably drink too much wine. I always say I'll have one glass while I cook dinner. That turns into two and then maybe another while I eat. Then I'm ruined for the night. I end up sitting in front of the tv or computer and get nothing done. Waaaah.
7. My kids only bathe every third night or so. They have super dry skin and if they were to bathe every night I'm convinced they'd look like turtles.
8. I love to cook. It's very therapeutic for me. I started cooking in high school. My mom just didn't really like to cook so I kind of took over. I love making people happy with food. It makes me feel good.
9. I believe that volunteerism should be a pillar in everyone's lives. The impact you can have in others' lives is immeasurable. Even if you spend an entire year on a project and don't get paid a penny, it's worth it if it makes one person's life better or easier. My Mom taught me that through her work and her deeds.
10. I really want my kids to go to good colleges. I want them to work hard and earn it and then go and have fun. It's only four years and the world after college can be really hard. I think college is an important piece of every person's growing experience. Even those ridiculous philosophy 101 classes make a difference. I think parents shouldn't have kids if they aren't prepared to be able to send their kids to college.
11. I'm a huge proponent of private school education. Not because I'm an elitist. I believe you can be elite without being elitist. I love that my kids' school instills manners and ethics and honor. I love that the four year olds in JK have to sign the honor code at the beginning of the year, even if they can only sign with an "X". I love that each and every paper turned in at their school is stamped with the honor code and signed by the student. It makes a life long impact. I also believe that they have more freedom to learn through creative process because they aren't subject to the SOL's.
12. I'm irritated by parents who think they don't have to keep tabs on their students or their students' teachers just because they're paying the big bucks to send their kids to private school.
13. I wonder every day why God chose to snatch my mother away before she got to know my children and my husband. I wonder why He thought we didn't need her anymore. My relationship with Him has suffered greatly as a result.
14. I'm a more thoughtful and purposeful person as a result of my mother's death. I don't take things for granted. I obsess over creating traditions for my children that they will always remember when I am gone and I insist on maintaining the traditions that my mother started so that my brothers will always remember her and what per plans were for us.
15. I think that no matter what you plan for your children you must be prepared for them to have their own plan...and embrace it.
16. The older I get, the less tolerant I am of other people's stupid issues. Get over it. Life's too short.
17. I'm annoyed by people who complain endlessly about things but aren't willing to be a part of the change that they desire. You have no right to bitch if you aren't willing to work to make a difference.
18. I love Diet Coke.
19. I also love Oreos. I read somewhere that it has been proven that they are clinically addictive. I'm taking that and running with it.
20. I make decisions very quickly without necesarrily thinking them through and over analyzing. I rarely regret those decisions. I know what I want and I go for it.
21. I am more apt to have a few very close friends to whom I am comfortable confiding in. I'm not the uber social lots of "friendly" friends type person. I need to be able to pick up the phone and unload on you and have you listen and relate.
22. I love to shop. It's fulfilling in a somewhat disturbiing way.
23. I struggle to keep my life organized. I am not at all organized by nature. It's an everyday process that I have to really think about and insist on doing.
24. While I have many friends and socialize quite a bit, I am a closet introvert. I hate making phone calls, small talk, going to planning meetings, etc. I would much rather sit at home on my computer and do everything via email. Some weeks I just want to sit in my house by myself all week. It's comforting.
25. I am fiercely independent. Once I've made my mind up to do something it's not likely I will cave and do something different...depending on the issue. I won't push something if it's just not that important.